La Rosière

La Rosière - Montvalezan

La Rosière - Montvalezan

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Olivier C
Marcq-en-Baroeul, França4 contribuições
2,0 de 5 círculos
jan. de 2025 • Família
We have been loyal to this resort as a family for more than 20 years. We have all suffered a very severe degradation in recent years of the connection on our phones, regardless of the carrier, including Orange in 4G as in 5G on premium plans.
This January, even though outside school holidays, the connection was catastrophic: very weak signal, cuts, impossible to send even a single photo of our grandson to his parents... Of course we are not going to La Rosière to be on our smartphones, but here it is about basic uses..
We have not encountered such a problem in other ski resorts in Tarentaise.
La Rosière’s challenge is to develop, as evidenced by the construction of multiple high-end residences in recent years. All right, but your mobile infrastructure needs to keep up...
Feita em 6 de fevereiro de 2025
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Bonjour, Nous vous remercions d'avoir pris le temps d'émettre un avis, la commune a conscience des problèmes de réseau pouvant se manifester sur le territoire, en particulier sur le secteur des Eucherts. Dans ce cadre, elle s'est rapprochée des opérateurs, notamment Orange et SFR, pour étudier l'implantation d'une nouvelle antenne sur la commune de Montvalezan. Les élus et les services de la mairie travaillent actuellement sur ce dossier pour améliorer la couverture sur le secteur des Eucherts. En espérant vous accueillir mieux connecté lors d'un prochain séjour à La Rosière ! L'équipe du service accueil
Feita em 9 de fevereiro de 2025
Esta resposta é a opinião subjetiva de um representante da gerência e não da Tripadvisor LLC.

Jeremy G
Folkestone, UK1 contribuição
1,0 de 5 círculos
jan. de 2025 • Amigos
La Rosière is a ski area with advantages and potential, but nothing is being done about the disadvantages. Well, that's where it ends then, for now.

The observations:

1. The six-person chairlifts of Les Eucherts and Roches Noires are simply too small. The bracket above the legs is too tight for taller people and the chairlifts are too narrow for six adults.
Furthermore, these two chairlifts (and Fort) should be provided with hoods (against bad weather).
Strangely enough, there was an investment in a new chairlift (Chardonnet) where there was rarely a severe capacity problem (La Thuile probably helped pay for that new lift?). And strangely enough, money has also been invested in the almost useless lift 'Dahu'.

2. The old chairlift of Les Ecudets. When will it finally be replaced??

3. Then the very, very biggest disadvantage: the piste maintenance.
That can really be called dramatic.
If snowfall is forecast for the evening or night, then there is simply no grooming after the lifts closed. Even if it stops snowing at 3 or 4 a.m., pistenbully’s still don't go onto the slopes, which could easily be done. If necessary, then prepare at least the most important pistes Roches Noires, Eucherts and CERTAINLY ALSO the Belette. And what about the pistes Blanchot and Mouflon; great pistes if, IF those are prepared!
Because they don’t maintain the pistes, a layer of new snow falls on the slopes that were already totally skied to pieces the day before, making the slopes next morning even more difficult to get down. At least 60 to 70 percent of all skiers have difficulties getting down such disastrous slopes.
Why can't the snow groomer drivers go onto the slopes at 3 or 4 a.m.? Because they want to sleep well?
By the way: also without new snowfall pistes are sometimes not groomed.
This shows a severe lack of hospitality. A mentality thing. They do this much better in Austria, for example. Sometimes pistenbully’s even go out there on the slopes during the day to prepare certain areas an extra time.
The point is that guests pay a lot of money for a ski pass, but apparently DSR La Rosière doesn’t care. 'The ski pass money is received' and after that: figure it out for yourself. In our opinion, you don't just pay for decent lifts, but also for (daily) decent slopes.

Ecological footprint? What a weak excuse is that. And if you want to hide behind that excuse, reduce the ski pass price then OR mention clearly on your website that the slopes are not groomed daily because of that 'footprint'.

4. New building construction is still taking place in La Rosière, but without any expansion of lift capacity and/or slopes. It’s all about cash, not about real good hospitality.

That financial choices have to be made, fine, but the construction of Dahu and the replacement of Chardonnet are strange choices then.
And furthermore, preparing at 04:00 in the morning will certainly not cost that much extra. And if you don't prepare the pistes in the evening, but in the early morning instead, the eco footprint is the same, or not?

As said: it has to do with real, authentic attention for the guests.

The above may sound like harsh, negative criticism, but the point is that La Rosière could be a great ski area if it finally tackled the above points. Very unfortunate so far.

EDIT: We have just read the posting of 'philippe d' and the reaction of DSR.
The reaction of DSR is incorrect, to say it politely.. It's NOT about snowfall during the day. It's about snowfall during the evening or night! One can start grooming at 03.00 or 04.00 h., but they don't. Even when there is no snowfall, pistes are still not prepared daily.
Feita em 4 de fevereiro de 2025
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mateo h
5 contribuições
5,0 de 5 círculos
fev. de 2025 • Família
Incredible week, the accommodation, food and skiing was too good .... A big thank you to the whole Family team especially to Hicham, Jérémie and THIBAUT from the teen club, Alwena and Sabrina to the small club ( Noah still thinks of you) and Melissa the choreographer ..
Thank you all
See you soon
Feita em 1 de fevereiro de 2025
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Bonjour Mateo, nous vous remercions pour votre avis très positif :) C'est toujours très appréciable de lire que votre séjour a été incroyable ! Au plaisir de vous retrouver lors d'un prochain séjour à La Rosière ! L'équipe du service accueil
Feita em 9 de fevereiro de 2025
Esta resposta é a opinião subjetiva de um representante da gerência e não da Tripadvisor LLC.

philippe d
Meudon, França9 contribuições
1,0 de 5 círculos
jan. de 2025 • Família
Does the rose bush station have material (grooming) or personnel problems or both???
I’ve never seen a resort with such rotten slopes!!!! This is outrageous.
On the whole area there are 5 groomers slopes and the rest is very difficult for children or beginners. At 55€ a day the package is pitiful.
No pleasure on this resort while the weather is great. What a disappointment.
The rose bush wake you up?????
If you still have a choice, avoid this station.
Feita em 29 de janeiro de 2025
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Bonjour, Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de donner votre avis et regrettons que vous ayez vécu une expérience décevante. Les dameurs interviennent chaque jour sur le domaine skiable pour vous permettre de profiter au mieux des pistes. Le damage intervenant en soirée et la nuit ou tôt le matin, les pistes sont toujours damées à l’ouverture du domaine skiable. Cependant, lorsque des chutes de neige se produisent dans la journée, cela explique la présence de tas de neige sur la piste. Nous avons transmis votre remarque au Domaine Skiable de la Rosière afin d’améliorer la qualité des services de la station et espérons vous retrouver prochainement à la Rosière. Bien cordialement, Le service accueil
Feita em 31 de janeiro de 2025
Esta resposta é a opinião subjetiva de um representante da gerência e não da Tripadvisor LLC.

4 contribuições
1,0 de 5 círculos
dez. de 2024 • Família
A shame!!! City hall officers clear snow so quickly that they become careless on parked vehicles, they pass a few millimeters while snow hides the vehicle.
After 1 meter of snow fell, we discover the next day traces of tow truck and two big scratches on our rental truck!!!
We attach the photos that clearly demonstrate that the snow removers passed through this place. (Photos in PJ)
We're contacting City Hall, which is clearing customs, saying we don't have any witnesses.
Sure we will spend our winter sports holidays in front of our truck!!! I dream!!!
A town that behaves like a dishonest private individual!
In addition, these tow trucks drive so fast in the small station that we saw a child who almost got hit by the car.
In short dangerous resort, dishonest and not respectful of tourists.
Feel free to click on the thumb if you agree.
Feita em 10 de janeiro de 2025
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Bonjour, nous sommes désolés pour le désagrément que vous avez rencontré . Soyez certain que nous prenons votre commentaire très au sérieux, le bien-être et la sécurité de nos vacanciers est notre priorité. Nous ferons part de vos remarques au service concerné. Notre station de La Rosière est riche de belles expériences en espérant avoir l'occasion de vous en offrir de meilleures à l'avenir. L'équipe du service accueil
Feita em 19 de janeiro de 2025
Esta resposta é a opinião subjetiva de um representante da gerência e não da Tripadvisor LLC.

caroline d
1 contribuição
4,0 de 5 círculos
dez. de 2024 • Família
A very nice resort offering magnificent views.
A pretty little forest connects the two parts of the resort. But what a disappointment to see that part of it has been destroyed to build new housing!

Very good service from the team booking package, ski school and elves!
A rather awkward point though is the closing time of the lifts at the bottom of the slopes. They close before the return of adult and children's ski schools, making it impossible to ski back to the accommodation above the resort. The Dahu, for example, could stay open with a little later!
Feita em 6 de janeiro de 2025
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Bonjour Caroline, nous sommes heureux de lire que notre station vous ait séduite et bien accueillie :) L'essentiel de notre forêt est géré par l'ONF, elle est certifiée d'un label qualité européen. Les coupes d'arbres nécessaires pour certains chantiers se font en concertation avec l'ONF et la collectivité pour assurer la mise en place de mesures compensatoires sur d'autres parties du territoire communal (plantation d'essences locales, zones de défenses pour le tétras-lyre...) Par ailleurs nos démarches globales de prise en compte de l'environnement ont été récompensées par l'attribution du Label Flocon vert en 2023, garantissant l'engagement durable des destinations touristiques en montagne. Pour des raisons de sécurité, les remontées ferment toujours avant les pistes, quand celles-ci sont fermées, il est interdit d’y skier par arrêté municipal. Au plaisir de vous retrouver lors d'un prochain séjour à la Rosière !
Feita em 27 de janeiro de 2025
Esta resposta é a opinião subjetiva de um representante da gerência e não da Tripadvisor LLC.

Elenore H
1 contribuição
5,0 de 5 círculos
dez. de 2024 • Família
Luka, Hicham and Thibaut are the best GOs.
I like them very much I had no friends and they were my friends. They are very cool
Feita em 26 de dezembro de 2024
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Dear Elenore, thank you for your thoughts, we're delighted that you've had a good time and meet beautiful people. See you soon ! Reception service
Feita em 27 de janeiro de 2025
Esta resposta é a opinião subjetiva de um representante da gerência e não da Tripadvisor LLC.

12 contribuições
5,0 de 5 círculos
fev. de 2024 • Família
An ideal family resort! Full sun and wonderful scenery, good skiing, good walks. everything is there!!! Want to go back!
Feita em 18 de outubro de 2024
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Bonjour, Nous vous remercions pour votre avis positif, et nous sommes heureux que notre station vous ait enchantée :) Au plaisir de vous revoir lors d'un prochain séjour à La Rosière ! L'équipe du service accueil
Feita em 17 de dezembro de 2024
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Henon B
2 contribuições
2,0 de 5 círculos
ago. de 2024 • Família
Nice but not suitable for summer,
Valley very damaged by the ski lifts to Mount Valezan , depressing in summer to walk on
Great coach paths that ravaged the scenery , besides very late opening time if you want to try cycling , 9:40 , two tracks ...
I don t see the point of going to this kind of place in the summer.
Feita em 3 de agosto de 2024
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Bonjour henOnb, Merci d'avoir pris le temps de partager votre avis sur votre expérience estivale à La Rosière. Nous sommes désolés d'apprendre que votre visite n'a pas été à la hauteur de vos attentes. Nous comprenons que la transformation de notre vallée pour les sports d'hiver puisse altérer le paysage en été, et nous en sommes conscients. Nous travaillons constamment à minimiser notre impact environnemental tout en offrant des activités adaptées à chaque saison. Concernant les heures d'ouverture et les pistes de VTT, vos remarques sont précieuses et nous les prenons en compte pour améliorer nos services. Nous souhaitons offrir à tous nos visiteurs, en été comme en hiver, une expérience agréable et enrichissante. Nous espérons que vous pourrez reconsidérer votre opinion lors d'une prochaine visite, et découvrir les nombreux aspects positifs que notre station a à offrir en été. Cordialement,
Feita em 27 de agosto de 2024
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Charlotte M
França2 contribuições
5,0 de 5 círculos
jul. de 2024 • Família
Teen animators so Milla Tommy and Wissem were great and too nice. It was a great experience at this club Med
Feita em 16 de julho de 2024
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Bonjour, Merci de nous avoir partagé votre expérience positive vécue au Club Med de La Rosière ! Nous vous souhaitons une belle journée et espérons vous revoir bientôt dans notre station ! Le service accueil
Feita em 22 de agosto de 2024
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La Rosière - O que saber antes de ir (ATUALIZADO Fevereiro 2025)

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