U.S. Army Schofield Barracks
U.S. Army Schofield Barracks - Honolulu
10:00 - 16:00
10:00 - 16:00
10:00 - 16:00
10:00 - 16:00
10:00 - 16:00
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Historic Army post named for 19th century Army leader
5,0 de 5 círculosago. de 2019
John McAllister Schofield foi um general da União da Guerra Civil envolvido em vários compromissos importantes, incluindo as batalhas de Wilson's Creek (onde ganhou a Medalha de Honra), Franklin e Nashville, além da Campanha de Atlanta. Após a guerra, ele serviu como secretário de guerra sob os presidentes Johnson e Grant e comandante geral do exército dos Estados Unidos durante as administrações de Cleveland e Harrison. Em 1872, o major-general Schofield visitou o Havaí para avaliar possíveis instalações portuárias. Ele concluiu que a foz do rio Pérola poderia ser transformada em um grande porto que poderia ser facilmente defendido. Após a anexação em 1898, suas recomendações foram seguidas e as forças americanas começaram a entrar. Em 1908, começou a construção do que se tornaria essa base, sendo nomeado em homenagem a Schofield no ano seguinte. A recém-formada Divisão Havaiana chegou em 1921 e permaneceu até 1941, quando a reorganização levou à formação de duas novas divisões, a 24 e a 25. As duas divisões entraram em guerra após Pearl Harbor e lutaram pelo Pacífico. O dia 25 retornou a Schofield e está permanentemente estacionado aqui desde então (com missões de combate na Coréia, Vietnã e Iraque ao longo dos anos). Uma boa maneira de aprender sobre a história do Quartel de Schofield e da 25ª Divisão "Tropic Lightning" é visitar a base e, em particular, o Tropic Lightning Museum em Carter Hall, a antiga biblioteca da base, no Edifício 361. Quando você estiver lá, não deixe de pegar uma cópia do guia histórico da base, que fornece um mapa mostrando vários edifícios históricos e arquitetonicamente interessantes ao redor da base e até uma rota de turismo sugerida. Chegar à base é bastante fácil. Supondo que você venha de Honolulu via H - 2. Assim que o H - 2 termina e se torna Wilikina Drive (rota 99), você verá placas para virar à esquerda na Kunia Road e ir para o quartel de Schofield. Supondo que você não tenha um ID do Departamento de Defesa, passe pelo primeiro portão (Foote Avenue) e vá para o segundo portão (Lyman Road), onde os visitantes podem obter um passe. Você terá que encostar na área de inspeção e, seguindo a direção do MP, sair e abrir o capô, o porta-malas e todas as portas para que possam olhar dentro do veículo. Supondo que sua licença e registro (ou contrato de aluguel de carro) estejam em ordem, você receberá um passe no painel. Uma vez na base, fique atento para identificar as placas que o direcionarão ao museu. Passamos algumas horas aqui (talvez uma hora no museu e outra hora dirigindo por aí olhando os vários edifícios históricos e a base em geral). Sugerimos vir em um fim de semana, quando as coisas estiverem um pouco mais calmas.

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4,5 de 5 círculos40 avaliações
Muito boa

Tim D
Wiesbaden, Alemanha564 contribuições
4,0 de 5 círculos
out. de 2021 • Amigos
A nice little base that is 100 times better than any other base in Louisiana. The people are friendly however the roads are a bit confusing and on the smaller side. I strongly suggest using GPS at first
Feita em 13 de outubro de 2021
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Columbus, IN974 contribuições
5,0 de 5 círculos
ago. de 2019
John McAllister Schofield was a Civil War Union General involved in a number of important engagements including the battles of Wilson's Creek (where he earned the Medal of Honor), Franklin, and Nashville, as well as the Atlanta Campaign. Post-war, he served as Secretary of War under Presidents Johnson and Grant and Commanding General of the United States Army during the Cleveland and Harrison administrations.

In 1872, then Maj. Gen. Schofield visited Hawaii to assess potential port facilities. He concluded that the mouth of the Pearl River could be turned into a major port that could be easily defended. Following annexation in 1898, his recommendations were followed, and American forces began moving in. In 1908, construction began on what would eventually become this base, being named in honor of Schofield the following year. The newly formed Hawaiian Division arrived in 1921 and stayed until 1941 when reorganization led to the formation of two new divisions, the 24th and 25th. The two divisions went to war following Pearl Harbor and battled across the Pacific. The 25th returned to Schofield and has been permanently stationed here ever since (with combat deployments to Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq over the years).

A good way to learn about the history of Schofield Barracks and the 25th "Tropic Lightning" Division is to visit the base and particularly the Tropic Lightning Museum in Carter Hall, the old base library, in Building 361. When you're there, be sure to grab a copy of the historic guide for the base which provides a map showing various historic and architecturally interesting buildings around the base and even a suggested tour route.

Getting on the base is fairly easy. Assuming that you're coming from Honolulu via H-2. Just as H-2 ends and becomes Wilikina Drive (Route 99), you'll see signs to turn left onto Kunia Road to go to Schofield Barracks. Assuming you don't have a DoD ID, drive past the first gate (Foote Avenue) and go to the second gate (Lyman Road) where visitors can get a pass. You'll have to pull over to the inspection area and, following the MP's direction, get out and open the hood, trunk, and all the doors so they can look inside your vehicle. Assuming your license and registration (or car rental agreement) are in order, you'll be issued a dashboard pass. Once on base, keep an eye out to spot the signs that will direct you to the museum.

We spent a couple hours here (maybe an hour at the museum and another hour driving around looking at the various historic buildings and the base in general). We'd suggest coming on a weekend when things are a little quieter.
Feita em 2 de setembro de 2019
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Paul F
Corvallis, OR32 contribuições
5,0 de 5 círculos
jan. de 2019 • Casais
We were told that if we had time in Waikiki we should visit the US Army Military Museum. I’d say, make time in Waikiki to visit it. It is a real gem. It is packed with artifacts, carefully explained and put in context. Not propaganda or flag waving, but appreciative of the sacrifices our military has made. It puts a lot of emphasis on the Hawaiian story, which is appropriate given its location. This should be on any list of major attractions of Honolulu, and especially Waikiki.
Feita em 26 de janeiro de 2019
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Vancouver, WA751 contribuições
5,0 de 5 círculos
jan. de 2019 • Casais
The old barracks buildings of this post date back to well before World War II. They have been featured in many movies such as “From Here to Eternity.” They allow history buffs to take a look back at the pre-World War II military.
Feita em 15 de janeiro de 2019
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Oahu, Havaí40 contribuições
4,0 de 5 círculos
dez. de 2018 • Família
The museum is small but a small treasure. If you can makevit to one of their living history days its great and kids love it too.

The 5grift shop has great deals and food trucks, kiosks all over. Many food spots closed on weekend. Also look for weekends you can go up to kolekole pass, phenomenal views and great hikes.
Feita em 12 de dezembro de 2018
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Lisa F
Corpus Christi, TX371 contribuições
5,0 de 5 círculos
set. de 2018 • A negócios
Schofield Barracks is a rather odd name for an Army post but given the long and storied history of the 25th Infantry Division which is headquartered here, it is fitting. Nestled in the center of Oahu, it boasts an expansive footprint and beautiful views of the Waianae range. There is a legitimate museum on post as well as all amenities necessary for an operational garrison. It is worth a visit when on Oahu. Military access is required for entrance.
Feita em 17 de setembro de 2018
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Orem, UT85 contribuições
5,0 de 5 círculos
mar. de 2018 • Casais
We always make a stop to the children’s cemetery when on Oahu. My little sister was buried here in 1959. Very peaceful to walk around and pay respect.
Feita em 22 de março de 2018
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West End, Carolina do Norte60 contribuições
5,0 de 5 círculos
abr. de 2017
My husband was stationed here in 1995 & I would go to visit him. The grounds then weren't bas but then they redid them & built it up. If you gotta be in the barracks..these are nice.
Feita em 13 de março de 2018
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Colorado Springs, CO221 contribuições
5,0 de 5 círculos
jun. de 2017
Schofield Barracks, the home of the US Army 25th Infantry Division is a sprawling base just outside of Wahiawa and a nice place to visit to escape the hustle of Waikiki, Military of all classes just need to show ID and visitors can access the base with permission. the Kole Kole Pass road open on weekends provides a route through the mountains where you can see the direction Japanese planes flew during their assault on Pearl Harbor. The Post Exchange has a nice food court and outside food stands that you can eat at without an ID Card. See it.
Feita em 7 de julho de 2017
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Collinsville, OK42 contribuições
5,0 de 5 círculos
mai. de 2017
If you are able (Mil ID, or other) to visit this is a great drive through and see item. Lots of WWII era buildings and it is still a working Army post so you will see plenty of troops. Nostalgia for those stationed here and everywhere with all the amenities of a military post.
Feita em 31 de maio de 2017
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

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U.S. Army Schofield Barracks (Honolulu) - Tripadvisor

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