Stingray City Bahamas - Great Harbour Cay
Stingray City Bahamas - Great Harbour Cay
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Great Harbour Cay, Bahamas
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Itu, SP314 contribuições
dez. de 2015 • Casais
Fizemos o passeio através do próprio cruzeiro. Foi inacreditável, o lugar é impressionante e apesar do medo, as arraias foram super "delicadas" Vale a pena levar uma câmera aquática.
Feita em 21 de maio de 2016
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Carol C
Wayland, Nova York2 contribuições
mai. de 2014 • Casais
Gostaria de poder voltar novamente e novamente e novamente!!!! Segurando uma arraia, alimentação, petting deles ... absolutamente fantástico!!! Peixes e starfish ... até uma estreita interação com o oceano ... UAU!!!

Feita em 10 de maio de 2014
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Melissa B
Tacoma, WA1 contribuição
mai. de 2014 • Família
A minha filha e eu fizemos o tour do último dia da ilha privada da Royal Caribbean, Cococay. Nós não sabíamos o que esperar. Somos amantes dos animais e não foram entusiasmados quando ouvimos a "caixa de palavra". que impressionam até imagens de um zoológico com animais que estão em exposição com faces perverso. Nada poderia ter sido mais longe da verdade. Este passeio foi o destaque do nosso cruzeiro. Os raios são incríveis, amigável, bem cuidadas, e aprendemos muito sobre eles. A equipe está ansiosa para compartilhar seu conhecimento dos raios e das outras criaturas que decidiu chamar a casa do recinto. Eles realmente têm um amor para estes animais e o trabalho que estão fazendo. Esta é uma excursão de deve, em meu livro.

Feita em 6 de maio de 2014
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Is it possible for a 4 year old to go on this excursion?
Feita em 14 de janeiro de 2018
Yes, but it would require a lot of attention as you are standing in waist deep water through most of the tour
Feita em 11 de março de 2018
at great stirrup cay,i have been told that a boat takes you to the dock at stingray enclosure and then you climb into the water as if a pool.
my question is,is it a ladder or more gradual steps with a rail,as my wife has serious arthritis in her knees,and a ladder could be difficult to climb out.
thank you
Feita em 3 de setembro de 2017
Ladder. Sorry so late to reply!
Feita em 9 de novembro de 2017
Laura H
Harlingen, Texas
How can I book? I can't seem to find it on viator, links would be helpful!
Feita em 3 de março de 2017
sorry for answering late... I booked through the cruise line.. I don't believe this is even available to anyone BUT a Norwegian Cruise line passenger... Great Stirrup Cay is NCL's private island.....
Feita em 16 de junho de 2017
I don't see this listed as an excursion from my ship. How can I book independently? Will there be someone recruiting passengers in the port?
Feita em 19 de outubro de 2016
This was an excursion that we did from the ship's private island.
We also did one in Cayman Islands. Both were advertised in the respective ship's excursions.
There are lots of people milling around the ports but honestly, depending on the country, I feel safest with the excursions that the ship backs.
Have a great trip!
Feita em 2 de novembro de 2016
I am interested in the Great Stirrup Cay Stingray City excursion but am wondering if anyone knows how big the stingray enclosure is. I always stay away from excursions that involve captive animals, but where these ones at least live in the ocean I'm thinking if it is a large enough enclosure it may be ok? Thanks in advance!
Feita em 12 de setembro de 2016
This is tricky, and I don't want to put you wrong. We were extremely confused on which TripAdvisor excursion to put our review. BUT if this was the one we went on it was a day trip off a cruise ship. A boat took us out to an island to a very large enclosure (actually in the sea) where there were on average 20 stingrays. They told us the stingrays were not captive and went in/out on their own free will. I assume they returned because we feed them. This was not a 'zoo setup'. we treated them with care and respect.
Feita em 24 de setembro de 2016
No you can't do this on your own--the guys feed the rays to get them to come over. Also they are very shy. At the end they pick up the giant ones and put them on your back like a cape (lol) for pictures...
Feita em 7 de novembro de 2016
I am not sure that you can do this on your own. It's located in a fenced in secure area only and the only way to arrive is by boat. For safety reasons for both human and animal, I believe it's only available by tour. In Grand Cayman, anyone with a boat can arrive at Sting Ray City because it's in the middle of the ocean and not fenced in, this spot is right off of a deserted off island in the Bahamas.
Feita em 23 de maio de 2016
Trying to get in touch with someone at Stingray City to find out what we need to do to enjoy the activities when our NCL ship SPIRIT is in the Bahamas. For some reason, NCL excursions don't offer Sting Ray City as an excursion but I see a number of posts from folks on a NCL ship. I've emailed and called the published numbers for SRC but have not gotten a response. How did you go about booking this activity ?
Thanks in advance, Pam & James Digby.
Feita em 11 de janeiro de 2016
Hi, were you able to get in contact with someone? I know it's been a bit of a while but if you are I can help.
Feita em 12 de julho de 2016
Trying to get in touch with someone at Stingray City to find out what we need to do to enjoy the activities when our NCL ship SPIRIT is in the Bahamas. For some reason, NCL excursions don't off Sting Ray City as an excursion but I see a number of posts from folks on a NCL ship. I've emailed and called the published numbers for SRC but have not gotten a response. How did you go about booking this activity ?
Thanks in advance, Pam & James Digby.
Feita em 11 de janeiro de 2016
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