Yokohama Zoo ''Zoorasia''
Yokohama Zoo ''Zoorasia''
9:30 – 16:00
9:30 - 16:00
9:30 - 16:00
9:30 - 16:00
9:30 - 16:00
9:30 - 16:00
9:30 - 16:00
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773 contribuições
fev. de 2025 • Família
A huge zoo along the Sotetsu Line in Yokohama. It is very cheap at 1,600 yen (free for preschoolers) for two adults.
15-20 minutes by bus from Tsurugamine Station on the Sotetsu Line. There are two stations, the main gate and the north gate, but only the main gate can be boarded, so the correct way is to get off at the north gate and take the train back from the main gate.
Elephants, lions, giraffes and other major animals are all here. The site is huge and it takes at least 3-4 hours to pounce.
The animals are presented in a very elaborate way, with grand zebras, giraffes, cheetahs, and black rhinos in areas that replicate the African savanna.
Not only the animals, but also the roads and buildings along the way have a wonderful atmosphere, making it fun to feel like a theme park. There is also a playground for children to play.
There are also three main places to eat, but for a tourist destination there is a wide variety.
I was lucky to see a male lion barking and an elephant drinking water.
15-20 minutes by bus from Tsurugamine Station on the Sotetsu Line. There are two stations, the main gate and the north gate, but only the main gate can be boarded, so the correct way is to get off at the north gate and take the train back from the main gate.
Elephants, lions, giraffes and other major animals are all here. The site is huge and it takes at least 3-4 hours to pounce.
The animals are presented in a very elaborate way, with grand zebras, giraffes, cheetahs, and black rhinos in areas that replicate the African savanna.
Not only the animals, but also the roads and buildings along the way have a wonderful atmosphere, making it fun to feel like a theme park. There is also a playground for children to play.
There are also three main places to eat, but for a tourist destination there is a wide variety.
I was lucky to see a male lion barking and an elephant drinking water.
Feita em 1 de fevereiro de 2025
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Yokohama, Japão236 contribuições
fev. de 2024 • Casais
On a nice sunny day my wife and I wanted to get away, so we went to Zoorasia for the first time. This is a Beautiful Park with many animals. But we enjoyed walking through the woods and relaxing since there were many people there. It is a reat Place for families to go with their children.
Feita em 25 de fevereiro de 2024
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Ota, Japão223 contribuições
jan. de 2024 • Família
I use the annual pass.
It is a shared annual pass with Kanazawa Zoo, and costs 2000 yen.
If you are visiting Zoorasia more than three times a year, it is more economical to buy the annual pass!
I have a three-year-old child, so he is at the age where he just wants to walk and run around, and he doesn't take his time to look at the animals, so we come here many times and look at them many times lol
It is so large that it takes time and energy to see it from one end to the other, but I think it is worth seeing.
My favorite is the bush dog, but it seems that it is only out for a short time in winter, and by the time I arrived, it had gone inside the house and I couldn't see it...
Even in such a case, if I have the annual pass, I can come back to see it again, so I can relax lol
It is a shared annual pass with Kanazawa Zoo, and costs 2000 yen.
If you are visiting Zoorasia more than three times a year, it is more economical to buy the annual pass!
I have a three-year-old child, so he is at the age where he just wants to walk and run around, and he doesn't take his time to look at the animals, so we come here many times and look at them many times lol
It is so large that it takes time and energy to see it from one end to the other, but I think it is worth seeing.
My favorite is the bush dog, but it seems that it is only out for a short time in winter, and by the time I arrived, it had gone inside the house and I couldn't see it...
Even in such a case, if I have the annual pass, I can come back to see it again, so I can relax lol
Feita em 7 de janeiro de 2024
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Yokohama, Japão2.807 contribuições
out. de 2023 • Família
The bird show is held twice a day at 11:30 and 14:00 for 30 minutes, and it was impressive to see the birds flying over your head. The bird show seats are not on the toilet side, but on the front row on the camel side, so the birds fly over your head, which is impressive. The bird show is on the savanna side near the north gate, so the north gate parking lot is closed on weekdays, and I think it's best to take the park bus from the center (200 yen per adult).
For meals, we went to a restaurant in the savanna, and it was delicious with its spices. The muamba rice had a curry flavor with chicken, and the spiciness lingered. The jollot french fries (spicy tomato flavor, chicken meat) came with a salad, but no dressing, so you mix it in and eat it. The mushikaki (beef skewers) (meat skewers) were soft and delicious. It seemed to go well with beer, so next time I come, I'll come by bus instead of car. Also, there are quite a few people there even on weekdays, so I would like to avoid weekends.
For meals, we went to a restaurant in the savanna, and it was delicious with its spices. The muamba rice had a curry flavor with chicken, and the spiciness lingered. The jollot french fries (spicy tomato flavor, chicken meat) came with a salad, but no dressing, so you mix it in and eat it. The mushikaki (beef skewers) (meat skewers) were soft and delicious. It seemed to go well with beer, so next time I come, I'll come by bus instead of car. Also, there are quite a few people there even on weekdays, so I would like to avoid weekends.
Feita em 11 de outubro de 2023
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Juanjo P
Alzira, Espanha32.608 contribuições
mai. de 2023 • Amigos
De todos los zoos que visitamos en nuestra aventura japonesa, sin duda este fue el mejor y el único que, en general, parece funcionar tipo los zoos occidentales, con instalaciones amplias, muy naturalizadas y donde predomina el interés por el bienestar animal, en un entorno de lo más atractivo. Además, la colección es muy buena, con varias rarezas, por lo que vale mucho la pena la visita.
Feita em 27 de julho de 2023
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Hong Kong, China127 contribuições
Feita em 25 de janeiro de 2023
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Tóquio, Japão15.676 contribuições
jul. de 2022
・入園料 一般(800円)×2 で利用させていただきました。
個人 × 一般:800円(20名以上団体だと640円)
個人 × 中人・高校生:300円(20名以上団体だと240円)
個人 × 小・中学生:200円(20名以上団体だと160円)
個人 × 小学生未満:無料
・営業時間は 9:30~16:30(入園は16:00まで) です。
・横浜駅からなら「よこはま動物園行き」バスで約1時間、相鉄線「鶴ヶ峰 駅北口」相鉄線「三ツ境 駅北口」横浜市営地下鉄「中山駅南口」からなら「よこはま動物園行き」バスで約15分の場所に佇む「よこはま動物園ズーラシア」さん。 ※車の場合は、駐車料金が別途、1日1000円かかりますがとても楽です。
#動物園 #よこはま動物園ズーラシア #綺麗 #優雅 #子連れスポット #子供の遊び場 #広い敷地 #1日遊べる #土曜日は高校生まで無料 #観光 #スポット #横浜観光 #横浜動物園 #横浜スポット
#Zoo #YokohamaZooZoorasia #Beautiful #Elegant #SpotWithChildren #Children'sPlayground #WideGrounds #PlayAllDay #FreeForHighSchoolStudentsOnSaturdays #Sightseeing #Spot #YokohamaSightseeing #YokohamaZoo #YokohamaSpot
個人 × 一般:800円(20名以上団体だと640円)
個人 × 中人・高校生:300円(20名以上団体だと240円)
個人 × 小・中学生:200円(20名以上団体だと160円)
個人 × 小学生未満:無料
・営業時間は 9:30~16:30(入園は16:00まで) です。
・横浜駅からなら「よこはま動物園行き」バスで約1時間、相鉄線「鶴ヶ峰 駅北口」相鉄線「三ツ境 駅北口」横浜市営地下鉄「中山駅南口」からなら「よこはま動物園行き」バスで約15分の場所に佇む「よこはま動物園ズーラシア」さん。 ※車の場合は、駐車料金が別途、1日1000円かかりますがとても楽です。
#動物園 #よこはま動物園ズーラシア #綺麗 #優雅 #子連れスポット #子供の遊び場 #広い敷地 #1日遊べる #土曜日は高校生まで無料 #観光 #スポット #横浜観光 #横浜動物園 #横浜スポット
#Zoo #YokohamaZooZoorasia #Beautiful #Elegant #SpotWithChildren #Children'sPlayground #WideGrounds #PlayAllDay #FreeForHighSchoolStudentsOnSaturdays #Sightseeing #Spot #YokohamaSightseeing #YokohamaZoo #YokohamaSpot
Feita em 7 de agosto de 2022
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Tóquio, Japão115 contribuições
mai. de 2022
Feita em 9 de junho de 2022
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Ottawa, Canadá28 contribuições
abr. de 2022 • Casais
Feita em 9 de maio de 2022
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Yokohama, Japão592 contribuições
jan. de 2022
Feita em 3 de fevereiro de 2022
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Can i buy the ticket in advanced? Or i can only purchased it on the day itself at the entrance? Thanks!
Feita em 19 de setembro de 2018
Kuala Lumpur, Malásia
hi, i'm thinking of going to Zoorasia early march 2019 with my daugther - 3 yrs old . I'm wondering if it will be too cold at that time? Thanks!
Feita em 7 de setembro de 2018
No, usually in March temperatures will be around 10-15 degree in day time.. this temperature seems good for children ...
only worry point is cold air if any...
Feita em 23 de dezembro de 2018
Yokohama, Japão
Feita em 7 de maio de 2018
We will be coming off a cruise ship and have the whole day before flying home. Are there storage lockers at the port or at the zoo where we can store our luggage for the day?
Feita em 19 de abril de 2018
Not sure about the port but you must be changing at Yokohama station from the port to visit the Zoo. Ample storage facilities at Yokohama station.
Feita em 19 de abril de 2018
hi, i'm thinking of going to Zoorasia during winter, end January 2017 with my 2 kids, 2 and 5 yrs. I'm wondering if it will be too cold for the kids to be wandering around the zoo.
Feita em 25 de outubro de 2016
I will be chilly/pretty cold in Japan during January. However, if you are properly wrapped up you should stay warm.
Feita em 26 de outubro de 2016
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