Bibelwelt Erlebnismuseum

Bibelwelt Erlebnismuseum - Salzburgo

Bibelwelt Erlebnismuseum - Salzburgo
11:00 – 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
11:00 - 18:00
Duração: 1-2 horas
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3,5 de 5 círculos23 avaliações
Muito bom

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Linda T
2 contribuições
5,0 de 5 círculos
fev. de 2025 • Família
We (with our two daughters 9 & 11) absolutely loved our visit!
This place is very informative and inter-active. You have to put in a little effort into discovering all the secret ways around the museum, but it really pays off.
It's kind of like in life, you can either run thru the museum (life) or take time to discover all the secret paths the Lord has preapared for you. One can really dive into the old Biblical times thru discovering spices of the region, the ancient clothing, bread making, 8 Jewish feasts, Paul's journey, Jonah and the wale, the arch and much more.. At the end there is a small little caffe in oriental style on floor 4.. We spent more then 3 hours here and were not bored for a minute.. Got out closer to God and the Biblical history,.. We feel enriched..
Feita em 10 de fevereiro de 2025
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4 contribuições
5,0 de 5 círculos
out. de 2024 • Casais
An exhibition on the subject of the Bible with great attention to detail, on numerous levels, and informative historical, archaeological, backgrounds. Even the outdoor area with the plantings invites you to linger and explore. A clear Recommendation for those interested in the Bible in Salzburg City!
Feita em 12 de outubro de 2024
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London122 contribuições
5,0 de 5 círculos
ago. de 2024 • Família
This is certainly a unique museum. It was good fun and a very weird interactive bible story experience with lots of climbing, walking down dark passageways and a few slides. There weren't many visitors when we went, which is a real shame because this is a really underrated place. I highly recommend it. Also free with the Salzburg Card.
Feita em 2 de setembro de 2024
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Nottingham, UK47 contribuições
1,0 de 5 círculos
abr. de 2024 • Casais
We visited this place today and feel compelled to write a review. We weren’t really sure what to expect, but nothing could’ve prepared us for the visit. After navigating the very dark entrance and narrow passageways, we presented our Salzburg card and signed the visitor sheet - it was mid afternoon and we were the first visitors of the day - this should’ve been a clue to what was to come.
The very quietly spoken gentleman gave us a map and some instructions - both were very difficult to follow. We entered the main part of the museum through a curtain and more narrow passageways. The exhibits were in no logical order and the map didn’t help. There was an audio guide telling stories from the Bible which were accompanied by exhibits - lots of mannequins. It was very unclear where to go and there were lots of dark corners and passageways. We didn’t really explore because the entire place felt very creepy, including strange noises and a door closing for no reason. After about 10 minutes, which included a toilet visit, we made the decision to leave. We couldn’t find the exit, slightly worrying, so we retraced our steps. We bumped into the same gentleman on the way out and asked for the exit. He directed us back the way we had come in, but didn’t ask if all was okay.
All in all a very strange and somewhat unsettling experience. I’m not sure what the aim of the place is, but I wouldn’t recommend it.
Feita em 7 de abril de 2024
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

Rome587 contribuições
3,0 de 5 círculos
jun. de 2023 • Casais
Abbiamo visitato il museo grazie ad una promozione che ci faceva entrare gratis. Sapevamo, su "consiglio" di amici, che avremmo avuto un'esperienza indimenticabile e non siamo rimasti delusi.

Il museo occupa la quasi totalità di una chiesa ancora attiva. Al suo interno sono presenti diverse installazioni a tema biblico, costruite in maniera un po' "trash". Solo come es: l'ingresso del museo è in un orecchio gigante, è presente un piede gigante e per accedere in una sala è necessario passare attraverso le parti intime di un personaggio biblico. A chi piace questo genere di installazioni non rimarrà deluso. Nonostante l'audioguida (inglese o tedesco) non posso dire di aver imparato alcunché sulla bibbia.

Molti passaggi richiedono anche un minimo di mobilità fisica, il posto non è adatto a persone con scarsa mobilità, persone molto larghe o alte. Alcuni punti sono comunque preclusi del tutto agli adulti, essendo gli spazi pensati per i bambini. I bambini sono forse il vero target di questo museo. Quelli che erano presenti, si divertivano da morire.

Consigliato se in visita con i bambini. O anche da adulti, se entrate gratis.
Feita em 25 de junho de 2023
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

1 contribuição
5,0 de 5 círculos
mai. de 2023 • Amigos
The best museum experience I think I've ever had. Go with an open mind and be prepared to be surprised! Leave your backpack in the lockers at the start if you can. Honestly, just go.
Feita em 8 de maio de 2023
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

4 contribuições
5,0 de 5 círculos
mai. de 2023 • Amigos
This is by the far the best alternative attraction in Salzburg. Be prepared to immerse yourself in the Bible stories, follow your curiosity and have fun! It is a bit random in places but well thought-out and thoroughly enjoyable. The least boring Bible exhibition I've ever been to. Small children might find some sections a bit scary but will enjoy the ballpit. Would give this 6 stars if I could.
Feita em 8 de maio de 2023
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

1 contribuição
5,0 de 5 círculos
dez. de 2022 • Família
Sehr interessante und abwechslungsreiche Möglichkeit in die Welt der Bibel einzutauchen! Auch Kinder können viele spannende Entdeckungen machen! Ich bin begeistert!
Feita em 17 de dezembro de 2022
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

Gunter F
Hannover, Alemanha1.641 contribuições
2,0 de 5 círculos
set. de 2021
Ich war neugierig auf Grund des Namens: Erlebniswelt. Meine Hoffnung auf diese wurde aber sehr enttäuscht. Ich war allein in dieser "Welt", deshalb war es manches mal etwas unheimlich. Mir wurde gleich mitgeteilt, dass gebaut wird und deshalb etwa nur die Hälfte verfügbar war. Ich fand aber nur laienhaft Gebautes und Verstaubtes vor. Der Weg erschloss sich mir nicht immer und so verlor ich auch die Lust. Schade.
Feita em 12 de dezembro de 2021
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

Anette Gräff
1 contribuição
5,0 de 5 círculos
jul. de 2020
Das Bibelmuseum ist immer wieder einen Besuch wert!
Die Dauerausstellung ist durch die Tunnel, die dunkel und gewunden über Rutschen oder andere verborgene Einlässe in eine ganz eigene, sozusagen unterirdische- Erlebniswelt führen, gerade auch für Kinder eine ganz spannende Erfahrung, die ich aus keinem anderen Museum kenne.
Für alle Altersgruppen sind die interaktiv aufbereitenen Stationen zu Paulus Reisen sehr interessant. Aber auch der Raum zum Judentum lädt ein, das eigene Wissen zu überprüfen und viel Neues zu lernen. Alle Themen sind sehr profunde aber auch einladend aufgearbeitet, so daß man sich durch die mmer wieder überraschenden Zugänge gerne darauf einläßt, egal ob es um das Brotbacken bei den Ägyptern oder die Kleidung der Tempeldiener handelt. An welchem anderen Ort könnte man en passent lernen, daß die Seraphimen sich von den ägyptischen Spei-Nattern ableiten?
Die wechselnden Ausstellungen präsentieren dazu immer neue Themen, so daß bei jedem Besuch neue Eindrücke hinzukommen.
Feita em 8 de agosto de 2020
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

Mostrando 110 de 23 resultados
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Bibelwelt Erlebnismuseum - O que saber antes de ir (2025)

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