Jewellery Quarter Discovery Trail
Jewellery Quarter Discovery Trail - Birmingham
Jewellery Quarter Discovery Trail - Birmingham
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Bairro: Edgbaston
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1.834 dentro de 5 km
462 dentro de 10 km
5 avaliações
Muito bom
Guy S
Sheffield, UK12 contribuições
abr. de 2023 • Casais
Very interesting self guided walking tour demonstrating the history of a fascinating part of Birmingham. About an hour altogether
Feita em 23 de abril de 2023
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Weston super Mare, UK2.147 contribuições
set. de 2014 • Amigos
Not only do you need fine weather to do this walk, you need to get a copy of the Birmingham Museum's excellent leaflet, Birmingham Jewellery Quarter Heritage Trail.
This leaflet gives you a map and a route to follow and also gives descriptions of the buildings and places of interest that you can visit. There are two local cemeteries, the Chamberlain Clock, the Pen Museum, the School of Jewellery and the Museum of the Jewellery Quarter (Note - some of the museums have an admission charge) can be viewed. Some places, for instance the Assay Office and JW Evans silver plate works, need to be booked in advance. There are several pubs and cafes located in the area but the most notable pub is The Rose Villa Tavern - a splendid looking brick-built tavern dating from 1919/20 and well worth a visit!
Don't forget to have a look around St Paul's Square, the only remaining Georgian square left in Birmingham and the lovely church of St Paul ("The Jewellers Church") in the middle of the square; a lovely Georgian interior which hasn't been restored and still has the original box pews!
You can do the whole trail or just pick parts to explore - a fascinating walk showing the industrial heart of Birmingham.
This leaflet gives you a map and a route to follow and also gives descriptions of the buildings and places of interest that you can visit. There are two local cemeteries, the Chamberlain Clock, the Pen Museum, the School of Jewellery and the Museum of the Jewellery Quarter (Note - some of the museums have an admission charge) can be viewed. Some places, for instance the Assay Office and JW Evans silver plate works, need to be booked in advance. There are several pubs and cafes located in the area but the most notable pub is The Rose Villa Tavern - a splendid looking brick-built tavern dating from 1919/20 and well worth a visit!
Don't forget to have a look around St Paul's Square, the only remaining Georgian square left in Birmingham and the lovely church of St Paul ("The Jewellers Church") in the middle of the square; a lovely Georgian interior which hasn't been restored and still has the original box pews!
You can do the whole trail or just pick parts to explore - a fascinating walk showing the industrial heart of Birmingham.
Feita em 6 de outubro de 2014
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Jill M
Birmingham, UK28 contribuições
jun. de 2014 • Casais
Travelled by train to Jewellry Quarter, walked past the museum entrance but found it. Staff were very friendly and welcomed us. We had time to explore the exhibits on 1st and 2nd floor before the tour commenced. The guide was excellent and knew the history of the museum she was also very accomadating as new people joined the tour. Fascinating place and small group offered everyone the chance to see all the exhibits and ask questions.
Feita em 2 de julho de 2014
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Anthony B
Yorkshire, England73 contribuições
fev. de 2013 • Casais
Grab a leaflet and do this tour. The cemetery's are fascinating and quite unique I believe. Take in the pen museum and the jewellery museum along the way. Be advised you have to pass many tempting jewellers along the route, leave your credit card at home!!
Feita em 17 de fevereiro de 2013
Esta avaliação representa a opinião subjetiva de um membro da comunidade do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Waterlooville, UK21 contribuições
fev. de 2012
Best £4 museuem entry I've ever spent. The young guide was an absolute star, she knew her stuff and made it a real experience. Can't recommend the tour enough
Feita em 29 de fevereiro de 2012
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